Rotary Position Embedding

Rotary Position Embeddings: Finding Better Ways To Incorporate Positional Information

The key idea with RoPE is to find a better way to incorporate "position information" into the Transformer model. Position information is important because the order of words in a sentence matters for understanding the meaning. For example, "The dog chased the cat" has a different meaning from "The cat chased the dog."

The standard Transformer model uses a simple method to encode position information, but the authors of this paper propose a new method called "Rotary Position Embedding" or RoPE for short. RoPE works by rotating the word vectors (which are mathematical representations of words) by a certain angle that depends on the position of the word in the sentence.

Some argue that RoPE has some nice properties:

  1. It can handle sequences of any length, unlike some other methods that are limited.
  2. The influence of one word on another decays as the distance between them increases, which makes sense intuitively.
  3. It can be combined with efficient "linear attention" methods that scale better to long sequences.